
The roman catholic church of Vlaha

The roman catholic church of Vlaha
Biserica romano catolică Vlaha

​The other most important monument of the commune is the roman catholic church of Vlaha, which according to documents was already in existence in 1285. In the 16th century, the church became Reformed and then Unitarian, but in 1749 Count György Haller eventually returned it to the Catholics. The church’s fragmentary wall paintings from the 14th century are attributed by experts to a painter named Miklós from Cluj whose sons, Márton and György, made the statue of St George the dragon-slayer of Prague. The paintings were painted over at the beginning of the 17th century, and the first fragments were discovered in 1935.
​The church is open to the public, but the caretaker, Attila Bárdos, must be called in advance (+40 742 092 845) to open the building.
